LOVELIVE would like to introduce you to the newest member of our creative team – Jordan Ikin!

Jordan has recently joined our design team and brings with him a wealth of creative design knowledge and experience.


* Here’s his story *

I’ve always wanted to do something creative but could never put my finger on exactly what I wanted to focus on. That was until I completed a work placement in a design firm – I knew from that point on that I was going to be a Graphic Designer.

While at college I started freelancing for a whole range of clients, building up my confidence and problem-solving skills. This was a whole new world to me, I loved seeing my work being used within everyday life.

I joined the LOVELIVE team because I want to continue to push myself to that next level, learning from the skilled creatives around me.

I’ve had a real eye opening first few weeks and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Welcome to LOVELIVE Jordan!

#welcometotheteam #workfamily #wejustkeepgrowing